sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Custos da regulamentações

What If the US Regulatory Burden Were Its Own Country?

Patrick McLaughlin | Apr 26, 2016
In a new study, Bentley Coffey, Patrick A. McLaughlin, and Pietro Peretto explore the relationship between regulation, investment, and economic growth by asking two central questions: 
  1. Does regulatory accumulation—the buildup of regulations over time—alter businesses’ decisions to make investments that lead to innovation and technological growth? 
  2. How do these changes affect economic growth? 
Economic growth has been reduced by an average of 0.8 percent per year from 1980 to 2012 due to regulatory accumulation. Regulations force companies to invest less in activities that enhance productivity and growth, such as research and development, as companies must divert resources into regulatory compliance and similar activities. While 0.8 percent may seem small, economic growth is an exponential process—next year’s growth depends on this year’s growth, which depends on last year’s, and that means the gap between what the economy could be and what it is grows over time at an increasing rate. 
Compared to a scenario where regulations are held constant at levels observed in 1980, the study finds that the difference between the economy we are in and a hypothetical economy where regulatory accumulation halted in 1980 is approximately $4 trillion.

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2016

O estado mesmo é o gigantesco problema do Brasil

Brazil’s Giant Problem

Corruption is just a symptom of Brazil’s deeper issue: a vast state apparatus that has tried to be the country’s engine of economic growth

When construction began in 1956 on Brazil’s new capital, everything about it pointed to the country’s ambitions as a rising global power. Its architect Oscar Niemeyer designed curving, futuristic government palaces, embodying hopes for a utopian modernity. Brasília rose in just 41 months, laid out in the shape of an airplane, a seeming reflection of the nation’s impatience to soar.
But the sparkling new capital was a monument to Brazil’s past. For all its modernist appeal, it was one more expression of the country’s long and troubled attachment to the concept of a giant paternalistic state, responsible for managing the affairs of the entire society, from its biggest companies to its poorest citizens.

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2016


The Brazil Syndrome

Slumping growth, if not outright contraction, in most of the world’s major emerging economies has been rightly attributed to China’s slowdown and plummeting commodity prices. But weak external conditions have also exposed profound governance failures – and not just in Brazil.

terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2016



     Data: 29/04/2016
     Local: Auditório Didática V
     Horário: 8:30-10:00
                          Prof. Dr. José Ricardo de Santana (DEE/FAPITEC/UFS)
                          Prof. Dr. Antony Peter Mueller (PPGS/UFS/Mises Institute)
                          Prof.Dr. Franz Josef Brüseke (PPGS/UFS)
                          Moderador: Doutorando Ricardo Otoni (PPGS/UFS/IBAMA)


Grupo de Trabalho 3 (GT3)
Sociedade e Técnica: Contingência, Riscos e Possibilidades
Coordenação Prof. Dr. Franz, Prof. Dr. Peter e Pesquisador Otoni

Dia 29/04/2016 das 14:00 às 18:00

14:00 às 14:20
Apresentação inicial do segundo dia - A Inovação Técnica, o Desenvolvimento e a Sustentabilidade: dinâmicas da prosperidade e da pobreza.
Antony Peter Mueller - Prof. Dr. Dep. Economia Aplicada e PPGS/UFS - Pesquisador do Socitec PPGS/UFS.
14:20 às 14:35
Questões e debates
Coordenação Otoni, R.B. – Pesquisador do Socitec/PPGS/UFS.
14:35 às 14:55
Contradições entre o aspecto positivo e negativo das inovações técnicas em O Capital de Karl Marx.
Tarcísio Fagner Aleixo Farias – Prof. Dr. Sociologia IFAL - Campus Batalha.
14:55 às 15:10
Questões e debates
Coordenação Brüseke, F.J. – Prof. Dr. Líder do Socitec/PPGS/UFS.
15:10 às 15:30
Os riscos e impactos socioambientais no transporte rodoviário: a duplicação da BR-101 em Sergipe.
Ricardo B. Otoni – Doutorando PPGS/UFS – Pesquisador do Socitec/PPGS/UFS.
15:30 às 15:45
Questões e debates
Coordenação Brüseke, F.J. – Prof. Dr. Líder do Socitec/PPGS/UFS.
15:45 às 16:05
Pôster As organizações sustentáveis sobre o ponto de vista da sociedade.
Paula Narita Pereira Ebert – Graduada em Administração/ Universidade de Passo Fundo/RS.
16:05 às 16:30
16:30 às 16:50
As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Era da Informação.
Antonia Zeneide Rodrigues – Mestranda PPGCS/UFRN e João Bosco Araújo da Costa – Prof. Dr. Coordenador do PPGCS/UFRN.
16:50 às 17:05
Questões e debates
Coordenação Otoni, R.B. – Pesquisador do Socitec/PPGS/UFS.
17:05 às 17:25
Uma análise fenomenológica dos usos de psicofármacos.
Indira Corban Brito Guerra – Doutoranda PPGS/UFPE.
17:25 às 17:40
Questões e debates
Coordenação Otoni, R.B. – Pesquisador do Socitec/PPGS/UFS.
17:40 às 18:00
Pôster A Agroindústria Sucroalcooleira: Os Impactos da Técnica no Ambiente por uso de Agrotóxicos no Município Laranjeiras/SE.
Daniela Santos Feitoza – Graduanda Geografia/UFS e Rosana de O. Santos Batista - Profa. Dra. Dep. Geografia/UFS.

Macro III - Taylor scorecard

Regra de Taylor 𝑖 = 𝑖 ∗ + 𝛼(𝜋𝑡 − 𝜋 ∗ ) + 𝛽(𝑌𝑡 − 𝑌𝑛)
Regra da taxa de juros 𝑖𝑡 = 𝑖 ∗ + 𝛼(𝜋𝑡 − 𝜋 ∗ ) − 𝛽(𝑢𝑡 − 𝑢𝑛 )
𝑖t = 𝑡𝑎𝑥𝑎 𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑠 (𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑦 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒)
𝜋 ∗ = 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎 𝑎 𝑡𝑎𝑥𝑎 𝑑𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑎çã𝑜
𝑖 ∗ = 𝑟𝑛 + 𝜋 ∗
𝛼 > 1
𝛽 > 0

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2016

É difícil ficar rico

Most of the Billionaires from 1995 Aren’t Billionaires Anymor

Key Speakers At The Milken Institute Global Conference
Alcorn, Jonathan—Bloomberg/Getty ImagesBrazil's Eike Batista once had $30 billion and now is almost a negative billionaire. That's right, negative $900 million.

It's apparently very, very hard to be a billionaire.

Though you’d never know it, it’s apparently very hard to be a billionaire. And it’s not because you must face difficult decisions like whether to holiday in St. Moritz or Bora Bora. No, it’s simply because it’s very hard to stay a billionaire.
Back in 1995, there were 289 billionaires, according to a recent report from UBS Group AG and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Today, only 126 of them still crack 10 figures in terms of personal wealth.
So what happened to those 163 billionaires who are no longer billionaires?
Como tornar-se rico:


GOVERNO MANIPULA DADOS PARA ESCONDER A REALIDADE. Há praticamente 22,3 milhões de pessoas que conseguem se virar com cerca de R$…

sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

A doença brasileira

Brazil’s Giant Problem

Corruption is just a symptom of Brazil’s deeper issue: a vast state apparatus that has tried to be the country’s engine of economic growth

Founded by Portuguese monarchs who moved their court to Rio de Janeiro in 1808, Brazil has experienced almost every conceivable sort of rule over the past two centuries. Its leaders have run the gamut from emperors and dictators to democrats and former Marxists. Regardless of their politics, however, almost all of them have shared a commitment to the Leviathan state as the engine of progress.

O que estudar para ganhar mais de 150 000 dólares anuais

GradSource Banner
As tuition prices for graduate degrees continue to skyrocket, it is increasingly important for students to know the return on investment for their education. In this regard, not all master’s degrees are created equal. In the roundup below, we highlight eight master’s degrees that can lead to careers with annual salaries over $150,000. This list was created using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
It is important to bear in mind that these BLS figures reflect mid-career salaries, or salaries in the 75th percentile. This means graduates may need to gain some experience in the field before seeing these wages on their paystubs. That being said, when it comes to finding master’s degrees that pay off in the long haul, the following eight are a great place to start.

quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2016

A grande traição


The great betrayal

Dilma Rousseff has let her country down. But so has the entire political class

BRAZIL’S Congress has witnessed some bizarre scenes in its time. In 1963 a senator aimed a gun at his arch-enemy and killed another senator by mistake. In 1998 a crucial government bill failed when a congressman pushed the wrong button on his electronic voting device. But the spectacle in the lower house on April 17th surely counts among the oddest. One by one, 511 deputies filed towards a crowded microphone and, in ten-second bursts broadcast to a rapt nation, voted on the impeachment of the president, Dilma Rousseff. Some were draped in Brazilian flags. One launched a confetti rocket. Many gushed dedications to their home towns, religions, pet causes—and even Brazil’s insurance brokers. The motion to forward charges against Ms Rousseff to the Senate for trial passed by 367 votes to 137, with seven abstentions.

Top salários na Alemanha

BerufDurchschnittsgehalt 2015
Oberarzt/-ärztin109 187 Euro
Account-Manager/-in für Investitionsgüter78 704 Euro
Facharzt/-ärztin75 677 Euro
Fondsmanager/-in71 285 Euro
Technische F & E70 833 Euro
Tax Manager/-in69 522 Euro
Vertriebsingenieur/-in67 595 Euro
Business Development Manager/-in66 563 Euro
Syndikus, Justiziar /-in65 990 Euro
Corporate Finance Manager/-in65 586 Euro
Risk Management, Risiko Controlling65 586 Euro
Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer65 538 Euro
Banker/-in65 528 Euro
Gesamt IT-Projektleitung64 457 Euro
SAP-Beratung64 396 Euro
Versicherungsmathematik62 527 Euro
Anlagenbauer62 419 Euro
IT-Sicherheit62 081 Euro
Cash-Management61 179 Euro
Unternehmensberatung59 933 Euro

Salários baixos

A traição do Brasil

Política brasileira precisa de limpeza completa, diz "Economist"

Crise no país volta a ser capa da edição latino-americana da revista britânica. Ao abordar votação do impeachment na Câmara, artigo diz que a culpa do fracasso brasileiro não é só de Dilma, mas "de toda classe política".
The Economist traz o Cristo Redentor pedindo socorro na capa, com o título: A traição do Brasil "The Economist" traz o Cristo Redentor pedindo socorro na capa, com o título: "A traição do Brasil"
A tradicional revista britânica The Economist voltou a dedicar suas páginas à crise política no Brasil. Com o título The great betrayal (A grande traição), o artigo diz que a culpa do fracasso brasileiro não é somente da presidente Dilma Rousseff, "mas de toda a classe política".
A capa da edição latino-americana da revista, que chega às bancas neste sábado (23/04), traz uma montagem do Cristo Redentor segurando um cartaz de "SOS". É a terceira vez que a publicação usa a imagem do monumento no Rio para ilustrar capas sobre o Brasil.
Na reportagem, a Economist aborda a votação do último domingo, na Câmara dos Deputados, sobre o processo que pede o impeachment de Dilma. Na ocasião, os parlamentares aprovaram o seguimento da denúncia ao Senado por 367 a 137 votos.
Segundo a publicação, "o espetáculo na Câmara" foi um dos episódios mais "estranhos" da história do Congresso brasileiro. "O que é alarmante é que aqueles que estão trabalhando para o seu afastamento são, em muitos aspectos, piores do que ela", diz a revista, citando ainda algumas dedicatórias incoerentes dos deputados na hora de proclamar seu voto.

Série sobre Moeda e política monetária

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 1: Money

Image from the film "The Wizard of Oz," produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Myer distributed by Warner Bros. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-RQxD4Ff7dY/maxresdefault.jpg
It occurs to me that, despite the unprecedented flood of writings of all sorts — books, blog-posts, newspaper op-eds, and academic journal articles —  addressing just about every monetary policy development during and since the 2008 financial crisis, relatively few attempts have been made to step back from the jumble of details for the sake of getting a better sense of the big picture.
What, exactly, is "monetary policy" about?  Why is there such a thing at all?  What should we want to accomplish by it — and what should we not try to accomplish?  By what means, exactly, are monetary authorities able to perform their duties, and to what extent must they exercise discretion in order to perform them?  Finally, what part might private-market institutions play in promoting monetary stability, and how might they be made to play it most effectively?
Although one might devote a treatise to answering any one of these questions, I haven't time to write a treatise, let alone a bunch of them; and if I did write one, I doubt that policymakers (or anyone else) would read it.  No sir: a bare-bones primer is what's needed, and that's what I hope to provide.
The specific topics I tentatively propose to cover are the following:
  1. Money.
  2. The Demand for Money.
  3. The Price Level.
  4. The Supply of Money.
  5. Monetary Control, Then and Now
  6. Monetary Policy: Easy, Tight, and Just Right.
  7. Money and Interest Rates.
  8. The Abuse of Monetary Policy.
  9. Rules and Discretion.
  10. Private vs Official Money.
Because I eventually plan to combine the posts into a booklet, your comments and criticisms, which I'll be sure to employ in revising these essays, will be even more appreciated than they usually are.