domingo, 31 de julho de 2016

Friedman sobre livre comércio

Milton Friedman urges America to maintain her role as leader of The Free World, by embracing Free Trade. Check out our Facebook page here:https://www.facebo...

Menkiw sobre a popularidade do protecionismo

Why Voters Don’t Buy It When Economists Say Global Trade Is Good

One defining characteristic of recent political debate — in the United States and abroad — is anxiety about foreigners.
You see it in Donald Trump’s railing against immigrants and trade agreements. It may well be part of Hillary Clinton’s shift, under pressure from Bernie Sanders, against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she once embraced as “the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade.”
You certainly see it in the British decision to exit the European Union, which has become known as Brexit. That vote flummoxed most political forecasters, and it makes one wonder whether Americans might also produce a surprise in November.
What’s going on?

Menkiw sobre a popularidade do protecionismo

Why Voters Don’t Buy It When Economists Say Global Trade Is Good

One defining characteristic of recent political debate — in the United States and abroad — is anxiety about foreigners.
You see it in Donald Trump’s railing against immigrants and trade agreements. It may well be part of Hillary Clinton’s shift, under pressure from Bernie Sanders, against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she once embraced as “the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade.”
You certainly see it in the British decision to exit the European Union, which has become known as Brexit. That vote flummoxed most political forecasters, and it makes one wonder whether Americans might also produce a surprise in November.
What’s going on?

sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2016

Resistência contra inovação

Humans once opposed coffee and refrigeration. Here’s why we often hate new stuff.

Humans have a habit of stalling their own progress. From coffee to mechanical refrigeration to genetically altered food, history is littered with innovations that sparked resistance before becoming fixtures in everyday life. The same theme is playing out today as some lawmakers and consumers question the safety of driverless cars, the economic impact of automation or the security of mobile banking
In hindsight, opposition to innovations such as mechanical farm equipment or recorded music may seem ludicrous. But the past 600 years of human history help explain why humans often oppose new technologies and why that pattern of opposition continues to this day. Calestous Juma, a professor in Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, explores this phenomenon in his latest book, “Innovation and Its Enemies: Why People Resist New Technologies.”
Cover for 

Innovation and Its Enemies

Innovation and Its Enemies

Why People Resist New Technologies

Calestous Juma

  • Explains the roots of resistance to new technologies - and why such resistance is not always futile
  • Draws on nearly 600 years of economic history to show how the balance of winners and losers shapes technological controversies
  • Outlines policy strategies for inclusive innovation to reduce the risks and maximize the benefits of new technologies

Meu novo artigo sobre a atualidade econômica do Brasil

O continente do futuro

Sub-Saharan Africa consists of 46 countries and covers an area of 9.4 million square miles. One out of seven people on earth live in Africa, and the continent’s share of the world’s population is bound to increase because Africa’s fertility rate remains higher than elsewhere.
Nigeria will be bigger than the United States in a few decades.If current trends continue, there will be more people in Nigeria than in the United States by 2050. What happens in Africa, therefore, is important not only to the people who live on the continent but also to the rest of us.
The Hopeful Continent


Governo prepara medidas para restringir compras em sites internacionais

Sem colher de chá O governo prepara medidas para restringir as compras em sites internacionais, como o chinês Alibaba e o americano Amazon. Hoje, encomendas de até US$ 50 entram no país sem imposto. A ideia é enterrar a regra, taxando todo tipo de remessa, ou adotar um valor apenas simbólico para a isenção. A iniciativa foi debatida por Henrique Meirelles (Fazenda) e Marcos Pereira (Indústria) nesta quinta (28) e é bem vista pela equipe econômica, que promete definir em breve as mudanças.

quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2016

Teoria econômica para o Brasil

Um ponto central é a necessidade de melhor compreendermos a identidade brasileira, no lugar de tentar transplantar artificialmente modelos alienígenas que não estão de acordo com as nossas tradições.

Contas públicas


View of the athletes Olympic Village during its inauguration for the Rio Olympic Games on June 15, 2016Australia boycott Rio athletes village, 'not safe, not ready'

AFPJuly 24, 2016
Rio de Janeiro (AFP) - The Australian Olympic team will not move into the athletes village in Rio after it was condemned as "not safe or ready" by the country's chef de mission on Sunday. Team chief Kitty Chiller said problems include blocked toilets, leaking pipes, exposed wiring, darkened stairwells where no lighting has been installed and dirty floors in need of a massive clean. She claimed that water has come through the ceiling resulting in large puddles on the floor around cabling and wiring. "Due to a variety of problems in the Village, including gas, electricity and plumbing I have decided that no Australian Team member will move into our allocated building," she said in a statement. "We were due to move into the Village on July 21 but we have been living in nearby hotels, because the Village is simply not safe or ready." The Australian officials said they have raised their concerns with local organisers. Chiller also claimed that the British and New Zealand delegations were experiencing similar problems in a major organisational headache with the Olympics due to get under way on August 5. Extra maintenance staff and over 1,000 cleaners have been attempting to fix the problems and clean the Village but the faults, particularly the plumbing issues have not been resolved, said Chiller. "Last night (Saturday), we decided to do a "stress test" where taps and toilets were simultaneously turned on in apartments on several floors to see if the system could cope once the athletes are in-house," she explained. "The system failed. Water came down walls, there was a strong smell of gas in some apartments and there was 'shorting' in the electrical wiring." Australian athletes arriving in the coming days will be housed in alternative accommodation. "We welcome a decision by the IOC to recommend to the Organising Committee that stress tests be carried out throughout the Olympic Village," said Chiller. "There is much work to be done at the Village and we appreciate the efforts of the IOC and the Rio Organising Committee to 'push things along' and solve the problems." 

sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2016

Salários no judiciário

Salários de magistrados do TJDFT ultrapassam os R$ 90 mil
Publicado em 21/07/2016 - 17:01 Vicente NunesEconomia

O presidente da República Interino, Michel Temer, sancionou ontem aumento salarial de até 41,5% para os servidores do Judiciário e do Ministério Público da União. Mas, apesar de terem ficado de fora desse aumento, uma casta de magistrados não tem do que reclamar, já que seus salários chegam quase ao triplo do recebido por ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), de R$ 33 mil.

Juízes e desembargadores do Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e Territórios (TJDFT) têm turbinado as remunerações com o recebimento de “vantagens eventuais”, que, em alguns casos, ultrapassam os R$ 80 mil. Um desembargador da Corte recebeu, em um único mês, R$ 82.460,50 nessa rubrica e o rendimento líquido chegou a R$ 93.044,47. O mesmo magistrado acumulou, em outro mês, subsídio de R$ 30.471,11, vantagens de R$ 36.734,40 e diárias de R$ 3.366,40....
Mas as benesses não se limitam aos desembargadores. Um juiz substituto no começo da carreira, que recebe subsídio de R$ 27.500,17 e auxílio moradia de R$ 5.176,73, também garantiu “vantagens eventuais” de dezembro de 2015 a junho de 2016. Em um único mês, esse juiz embolsou R$ 54.517,88 com essas regalias e o salário líquido chegou a R$ 77.847,14.


quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2016

Brasil - país de "direito"

Brasil, sozinho, tem mais faculdades de Direito que todos os países

quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2010 às 10h20
Brasília, 14/10/2010 - O Brasil tem mais faculdades de Direito do que todos os países no mundo, juntos. Existem 1.240 cursos para a formação de advogados em território nacional enquanto no resto do planeta a soma chega a 1.100 universidades. Os números foram informados pelo representante do Conselho Federal da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB) no Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), o advogado catarinense Jefferson Kravchychyn. "Temos 1.240 faculdades de direito. No restante do mundo, incluindo China, Estados Unidos, Europa e África, temos 1.100 cursos, segundo os últimos dados que tivemos acesso", disse o conselheiro do CNJ. 
Segundo ele, sem o exame de ordem, prova obrigatória para o ingresso no mercado jurídico, o número de advogados no País -que está próximo dos 800 mil seria muito maior. "Se não tivéssemos a OAB teríamos um número maior de advogados do que todo o mundo. Temos um estoque de mais de 3 milhões de bacharéis que não estão inscritos na Ordem", afirmou Kravchychyn. (IG)