terça-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2016

Ludwig von Mises

Ludwig von Mises truly was an intellectual giant among men. He was perhaps the greatest economist of the twentieth century, and a tireless advocate for political liberalism and laissez-faire. Human Action, his magnum opus, stands among the…

segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2016

Minhas "dez leis" agora em chinês


文/Antony P. Mueller 译/David Wu
Mises.org 授权翻译
























Ser economista

Cambridge economists: The art and science of economics at Cambridge

The Economist 

Mundo de negócios

The key takeaway from Bill Gates and Warren Buffett's all-time favorite book

Kathleen Elkins 

sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2016

As dez leis fundamentais da economia

Meu artigo sobre "As Dez Leis Fundamentais da Economia" agora também em português na versão ampliada no Instituto Mises Brasil (IMB):
Em meio a tantas falácias econômicas sendo repetidas de maneira aparentemente incessante pela mídia e pelos comentaristas, a função do economista…

Artigos de Otaviano Canuto 2016

·      Mr. Trump: Can You Deliver It? Huffington Post, Roubini EconoMonitor (with Matheus Cavallari)
Financial markets seem to believe that president-elect Trump can deliver higher growth and inflation, as manifested in the rotation from bonds to equities. At the same time, the shock waves already felt by assets abroad may be a harbinger of the bumpy and treacherous journey ahead. No wonder Mr. Trump’s softening of statements — and campaign promises — after the election has been taken with sighs of relief.
·      The Global Economy Remains Unbalanced Huffington Post, Roubini EconoMonitor
Discussions around large current account imbalances among systemically relevant economies as a threat to the stability of the global economy faded out in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. More recently, some signs of a possible resurgence of rising imbalances have brought back attention to the issue. We argue here that, while not a threat to global financial stability, the resurgence of these imbalances reveals a sub-par performance of the global economy in terms of foregone product and employment.
Huffington Post, Roubini EconoMonitor (with Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan)
Capital outflows from emerging market economies have substantially accelerated since last year. The cycle of intense debt leveraging that took place in those economies after the 2008 global financial crisis has also started to reverse. Furthermore, 2015 was also a fifth consecutive year of growth deceleration in emerging markets. Some analysts have taken those features as pointing to a high likelihood of a “third wave” of the global financial crisis, this time centered on emerging markets. While arguably their combination may acquire a disorderly nature and materialize systemic risks to those economies as a group - and therefore to the global economy going forward - there are also reasons to expect the significant portfolio rebalancing at play not to lead to a disruptive break.

As dez leis fundamentas da economia

Meu artigo sobre "As Dez Leis Fundamentais da Economia" agora também em português na versão ampliada no Instituto Mises Brasil (IMB):
Em meio a tantas falácias econômicas sendo repetidas de maneira aparentemente incessante pela mídia e pelos comentaristas, a função do economista…

Teoria econômica em crise

Blame the professors, who rely on fancy mathematical models that don't describe how the world works.
bloomberg.com|Por Noah Smith

quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2016

As dez leis fundamentais da economia

In the midst of so many economic fallacies being repeatedly seemingly without end, it may be helpful to return to some of the most basic laws of economics. Here are ten of them that bear repeating again and again. 1. Production precedes…

terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2016

A saida da China da armadilha de pobreza

How China Escaped the Poverty Trap

How China Escaped the Poverty Trap

Before markets opened in 1978, China was an impoverished planned economy governed by a Maoist bureaucracy. In just three decades it evolved into the world's second-largest economy and is today guided by highly entrepreneurial bureaucrats. In How China Escaped the Poverty Trap, Yuen Yuen Ang explains this astonishing metamorphosis. Rather than insist that either strong institutions of good governance foster markets or that growth enables good governance, Ang lays out a new, dynamic framework for understanding development broadly. Successful development, she contends, is a coevolutionary process in which markets and governments mutually adapt.
By mapping this coevolution, Ang reveals a startling conclusion: poor and weak countries can escape the poverty trap by first harnessing weak institutions—features that defy norms of good governance—to build markets. Further, she stresses that adaptive processes, though essential for development, do not automatically occur. Highlighting three universal roadblocks to adaptation, Ang identifies how Chinese reformers crafted enabling conditions for effective improvisation.
How China Escaped the Poverty Trap offers the most complete synthesis to date of the numerous interacting forces that have shaped China’s dramatic makeover and the problems it faces today. Looking beyond China, Ang also traces the coevolutionary sequence of development in late medieval Europe, antebellum United States, and contemporary Nigeria, and finds surprising parallels among these otherwise disparate cases. Indispensable to all who care about development, this groundbreaking book challenges the convention of linear thinking and points to an alternative path out of poverty traps.

segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2016

Crescimento econômico do Brasil

RESUMO Autores apontam aspectos que retardam o crescimento econômico no Brasil, tornando-o mais moroso e menos pujante do que o de outros países. Entre os motivos, apontam deficiências educacionais e a baixa produtividade de empresas por vezes preservadas artificialmente, quando deveriam dar lugar a...

sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2016


Big Brazil Project Likely to Remain a Train to Nowhere

VOA News 1


"Economic progress in a capitalist society means turmoil." - Joseph Schumpeter 1883 - 1950
"This documentary tells the extraordinary story of the man who discovered how capitalism really works: Joseph Schumpeter. For decades, he was all but forgotten - until the digital revolution gave new traction to his theory of creative destruction. The film intertwines the story of Schumpeter's tumultuous life with the story of the digital revolution to show why today Schumpeter's ideas... matter more than ever. Schumpeter's most famous idea, the concept of 'creative destruction', is now the buzzword 'disruption' in Silicon Valley. And unlike most mainstream economists, Schumpeter did not regard economic crises as a failure of the system. To him, recessions were the inevitable consequence of innovation. This adds a surprising new angle to today's economic crisis.
"The film features tech entrepreneurs such as Eric Wahlforss (Soundcloud) or Renaud Visage (Eventbrite) who offer insights into what it takes to be the innovative entrepreneur that Schumpeter identified as the key actor in the capitalist drama. Early Apple staff and the Silicon Valley journalist, Robert Cringley, provide the inside story of the digital revolution. Former students of Schumpeter like nobel laureate Robert Solow bring their teacher's character and eccentricities to life. And rock star economists like Mariana Mazzucato, Carlota Perez, or the former Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers, show what Schumpeter's ideas mean for us today."
Ver mais
"The Man Who Discovered Capitalism" is the perfect movie for all people who are interested in Economy. Watch it now on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/schu...

Estatizar ou privatizar?

    Estatizar ou privatizar?
    Encontre aqui os mais fortes argumentos em favor de privatizar.
    Veja meu novo artigo:
    Privatização é uma medida, não uma meta. Privatização como medida serve para submeter uma empresa sob o controle do público. Como tal, são os clientes que, por comprar ou abster-se de comprar, determinam quais empresas ficam no mercado e…

sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2016

sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2016

Entender dinheiro e bancos

Por que é tão importante o entendimento austríaco sobre dinheiro e bancos

Os economistas clássicos rejeitavam a noção de que o total de despesa monetária – no jargão corrente: demanda agregada – é uma força necessária ao crescimento econômico. Os casos verdadeiros de riquezas de nações são fatores não monetários como a divisão de trabalho e acumulação de capital através de poupança. […]

quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2016

Pensamento econômico espanhol - escola de Salamanca

Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson (1908-2003) played an important role in bringing attention to the contributions to economics of late medieval Spanish scholars, particularly the “School of Salamanca.” In Early Economic Thought in Spain, 1177-1740, first published in 1978 and out in a handsome new edition f...

Economia chinesa

China’s economy is set to overtake the West


terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2016

Ten fundamental laws of economics

            Antony P. Mueller

Production precedes consumption
Although it is obvious that in order to consume something it must first exist, the idea to stimulate consumption in order to expand production is all around us. However, consumption goods do not just fall from the sky. They are at the end of a long chain of intertwined production processes called the “structure of production”. Even the production of an apparently simple item such as a pencil, for example, requires an intricate network of production processes that extend far back into time and run across countries and continents. 

Consumption is the final goal of production
Consumption is the objective of economic activity, and production is its means. The advocates of full employment violate this obvious idea. Employment programs turn production itself into the objective. The valuation of consumption goods by the consumers determines the value of production goods. Current consumption results from the production process that extends to the past, yet the value of this production structure depends on the current state of valuation by the consumers and the expected future state. Therefore, the consumers are the final de facto owners of the production apparatus in a capitalist economy.
Production has costs
There is no such thing as a free lunch. Getting something apparently gratis only means that some other person pays for it. Behind every welfare check and each research grant lies the tax money of real people. While the taxpayers see that government confiscates part of one’s personal income, they do not know to whom this money goes; and while the recipients of government expenditures see the government handing the money to them, they do not know from whom the government has taken away this money.  

Value is subjective
Valuation is subjective and varies with the an individual’s situation. The same physical good has different values to different persons. Utility is subjective, individual, situational and marginal. There is no such thing as collective consumption. Even the temperature in the same room feels differently to different persons. The same football match has a different subjective value for each viewer as can be easily seen the moment when a team scores.  

Productivity determines the wage rate
The output per hour determines the worker’s wage rate per hour. In a free labor market, businesses will hire additional workers as long as their marginal productivity is higher than the wage rate. Competition among the firms will drive up the wage rate to the point where it matches productivity. The power of labor unions may change the distribution of wages among the different labor groups, but trade unions cannot change the overall wage level, which depends on labor productivity.

Expenditure is income and costs
Expenditure is not only income, but also represents costs. Spending counts as costs for the buyer and income for the seller. Income equals costs. The mechanism of the fiscal multiplier implies that costs rise with income. In as much as income multiplies, costs multiply as well. The Keynesian fiscal multiplier model ignores the cost effect. Grave policy errors are the result when government policies count on the income effect of public expenditures but ignore the cost effect.  

Money is not wealth
The value of money consists in its purchasing power. Money serves as an instrument of exchange. The wealth of a person exists in its access to the goods and services he desires. The nation as a whole cannot increase its wealth by increasing its stock of money. The principle that only purchasing power means wealth says that Robinson Crusoe would not be a penny richer if he found a gold mine on his island or a case full of bank notes.  

Labor does not create value
Labor, in combination with the other factors of production, creates products, but the value of the product depends on its utility. Utility depends on subjective individual valuation. Employment for sake of employment makes no economic sense. What counts is value creation. In order to be useful, a product must create benefits for the consumer. The value of a good exists independent from the effort of producing it. Professional marathon runners do not earn more prize money than sprinters because running the marathon takes more time and effort than a sprint.
Profit is the entrepreneurial bonus
In competitive capitalism, economic profit is the extra bonus that those businesses earn that fix allocative errors. In an evenly rotating economy with no change, there would be neither profit nor loss and all companies would earn the same rate of interest. In a growing economy, however, change takes place and anticipating changes is the source of economic profits. Business who do well in forecasting future demand earn high rates of profit and will grow, while those entrepreneurs who fail to anticipate the wants of the consumers will shrink and finally must shut down.  

All genuine laws of economics are logical laws
Economic laws are synthetic a priori reasoning. One cannot falsify such laws empirically because they are true in themselves. As such, the fundamental economic laws do not require empirical verification. Reference to empirical facts serve merely as illustrative examples, they are not statements of principles. One can ignore and violate the fundamental laws of economics but one cannot change them. Those societies fare best where people and government recognize and respect these fundamental economic laws and use them to their advantage.

LINK para versão em PDF para compartilhar:
Antony P. Mueller
December 6, 2016