quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2020

Crítica da macroeconomia keynesiana e da MMT

„Keynesian economics and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) aspire to create something out of nothing. Underpinning them is the magical thinking of those who have physically grown to adulthood but who have failed to give up the romance of childhood. These "theories" also work very well for psychopaths who aspire to rule over and feed on gullible masses, and to rise to the positions of leadership. It is this marriage of magical thinking of the masses and psychopaths that enables Key…
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The illusions of Keynesianism create a morally corrupt society - Part I
The illusions of Keynesianism create a morally corrupt society - Part I
The global economic shutdown has inflicted unprecedented damage and caused widespread destruction both in the economy and in our societies. While the true scale of the crisis is yet to be revealed, we already have enough data to support the case for a deep recession that will likely last for a long....

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