domingo, 1 de março de 2020

Laissez faire

“There is a story that a famous French mercantilist minister, Colbert, once asked a group of businessmen what he could do for them. One of the men, Legendre, is supposed to have replied, Laissez nous faire—leave us alone. Several French authors in the earlier part of the 18th century, including the Marquis d’Argenson, used the slogan laissez faire. The great Turgot attributed the rule laissez faire, laissez passer—leave things alone, let goods pass through—to Gourney. Sometimes a phrase was added suggesting the social theory behind the slogan: la monde va de lui meme—the world goes of itself. Today the term laissez faire has come to mean: leave the people alone, let them be, in their economic affairs, in their religious affairs, in thought and culture, in the pursuit of fulfillment in their own lives.” (Ralph Raico)

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