sábado, 20 de novembro de 2021

Começo da história

 In “The Dawn of Everything,” the anthropologist David Graeber and the archaeologist David Wengrow aim to rewrite the story of our shared past — and future.

Ciclo de negócios

 "...government intervention cripples the market economy, and recession or depression is the painful but necessary adjustment by which the market reasserts itself, and liquidates the distortions committed by the government’s inflationary boom...whoever is granted a monopoly of printing money (e.g., the Fed, the Bank of England) will use that monopoly...to finance government deficits, or to subsidize favored economic groups. Power will tend to be used, and the power to create m…

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Business Cycles, Real and Fabricated - LewRockwell
Business Cycles, Real and Fabricated - LewRockwell
DIGG THIS This article first appeared in two parts in Investment Insights for August and September 1984. Man has always yearned to know his future. And, since it is an economic law that demand tends to create supply, there have always been gurus and mountebanks to meet that need, people who claim to...

Armadilha da renda média

 Otaviano Canuto, Senior fellow, Policy Center for the New South

The “middle-income trap” has become a broad designation trying to capture the many cases of developing countries that succeeded in evolving from low- to middle-levels of per capita income, but then appeared to stall, losing momentum along the route toward the higher income levels of advanced economies. We need to approach middle-income countries as being in a complex transition phase between accumulation and inno…
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