quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2016
O que é errado com macroeconomia?
The field once seemed to have answers for all sorts of thorny questions. Then the financial crisis hit.
bloomberg.com|Por Mark Buchanan and Noah Smith
Paul Romer says he really hadn’t planned to trash macroeconomics as a math-obsessed pseudoscience. Or infuriate countless colleagues. It just sort of…
Recessão continua
O Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) recuou 0,8% no terceiro trimestre, acentuando a queda de 0,4% observada no 2º trimestre deste ano, também na comparação trimestral, divulgou nesta quarta-feira, 20, o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). É o sétimo resultado negativo consecutivo nesta base de comparação.
A queda foi generalizada entre os três setores da economia, com recuos na agropecuária (-1,4%), a indústria (-1,3%) e serviços. O resultado do PIB veio dentro do esperado pelo mercado financeiro. Em meio à persistência do quadro recessivo, o mercado financeiro já projeta que a volta ao crescimento no ano que vem deve ser fraca e a alta do PIB ficar abaixo de 1%.
O investimento, uma medida para estimar o potencial de crescimento futuro da economia, caiu 3,1%, depois de leve reação de 0,5% no trimestre anterior.
O consumo das famílias também continua em baixa e caiu pelo sétimo trimestre seguido (-0,6%).
A queda foi generalizada entre os três setores da economia, com recuos na agropecuária (-1,4%), a indústria (-1,3%) e serviços. O resultado do PIB veio dentro do esperado pelo mercado financeiro. Em meio à persistência do quadro recessivo, o mercado financeiro já projeta que a volta ao crescimento no ano que vem deve ser fraca e a alta do PIB ficar abaixo de 1%.
O investimento, uma medida para estimar o potencial de crescimento futuro da economia, caiu 3,1%, depois de leve reação de 0,5% no trimestre anterior.
O consumo das famílias também continua em baixa e caiu pelo sétimo trimestre seguido (-0,6%).
terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2016
Maior o governo, maior a estagnação econômica
segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2016
Mercantilismo contra globalismo
Mercantilism "made a comeback in the 21st century. One way is through the emergence of complex bilateral trade agreements—surely better than no trade at all but riddled with labyrinths through which special interests prowl to capture surplus value and smuggle in low-cost labor." Hernando de Soto in the WSJ
domingo, 27 de novembro de 2016
China e o livre comércio
China: The world's new champion of free trade?
Al Jazeera
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was the largest ever US-proposed trade deal and took years to put together, but US President-elect Donald Trump has promised to withdraw from the deal on his very first day in office. The TPP, signed by 12 countries in February 2016, covers 40 percent of the world's economy. As the United States, the world's biggest economy and the champion of free trade for the past century, is about to back away from closer global economic integration, analysts question whether China has what it takes to be the world's new champion of free trade. While China has not signed on to the TPP agreement, it could take advantage of new opportunities as the US takes a more protectionist stance on trade. ...
sábado, 26 de novembro de 2016
Japão dívida pública e taxa de juros
The global bond-market sell-off tests Japan’s ability to keep yields down
The Economist
HARUHIKO KURODA is not a man to be put off by an unexpected setback. On November 17th the governor of the Bank of Japan (BoJ) gave his defiant take on the implications for Japanese monetary policy of the global market gyrations that have followed the surprise election of Donald Trump. Interest rates, he noted, have risen in America. “But that doesn’t mean that we have to automatically allow Japanese interest rates to increase in tandem.” A sell-off triggered by Mr Trump’s win wiped more than $1.2trn off the value of the world’s bond markets as investors bet that his administration will stoke America’s economic engines and drive up inflation. Bond yields rose sharply around the world as investors ...
sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2016
Meu novo artigo sobre o sistema de aposentaria de Alemanha
Meu novo artigo trata o sistema de aposentaria na Alemanha
My anew rticle deals with Germany's retirement system
My anew rticle deals with Germany's retirement system
25.11.2016 – von Antony P. Mueller. Der Wohlfahrtsstaat ist inhärent widersprüchlich und damit dauerhaft nicht überlebensfähig. Wohlstand, richtig verstanden, verlangt nicht den Ausbau des Wohlfahrtsstaats, sondern seinen Abbau. Gefordert ist die…
quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2016
Fim do TPP
The collapse of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
THE world's most ambitious free-trade deal in decades is all but dead. Donald Trump has said that on his first day in office America will quit the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a pact that was nearly a decade in the works. Encompassing 12 Pacific Rim countries, including America, Japan and Canada, the TPP would have covered nearly two-fifths of the global economy. Mr Trump had called it a “horrible deal” on the campaign trail. In declaring his intent this week to withdraw from it, he said it was “a potential disaster for our country”. But proponents say it would have been a big improvement on existing trade deals and very good for America. Which view is right, and what happens now?
Measuring the precise impact of trade deals that have been in place for years is hard enough. Forecasting the impact of future deals is even harder. Nevertheless, many economists would agree with two general statements. On one hand, TPP would have generated more growth for all inside the agreement. A series of independent studies predicted that America would have reaped the biggest gains in dollar terms and that emerging markets, especially Vietnam, would have benefited most relative to their size. On the other hand, while free-trade deals enrich countries in general, downsides can be severe for industries and regions that lose out. Moreover, recent research has showed that these negative effects are often longer lasting than optimists had once believed. The TPP would, in other words, probably have increased America’s growth, but at least some people would have been justified in thinking it horrible.
But looking at the impact on GDP alone is too narrow.
Entrevista de 2015
El Instituto Mises habló la semana pasado con el investigador asociado Antony Mueller acerca de las tendencias económicas e ideológicas recientes en Brasil. El profesor Mueller enseña economía en la Universidad Federal de Sergipe (UFS) en Brasil.
Instituto Mises: Para los que no estamos en Brasil, es difícil interpretar el comentario sobre la economía de Brasil ahora mismo. La deuda de Brasil se redujo recientemente a la categoría de bono basura y podemos ver que la economía de Brasil no va bien. Pero ¿cómo de severa es la crisis?
Antony Mueller: Parte de la explicación es que para una buena parte de la población y para el propio gobierno, esta crisis fue una sorpresa. Al principio, el gobierno brasileño ignoró la inminente crisis y, cuando llegó, ignoró su existencia.
Imaginad a Brasil como una familia con mucha riqueza heredada que gasta como si no hubiera mañana. Aun así esta familia descubre el hecho de que su riqueza se ha estado desperdiciando y sus cuentas funcionales están en rojo. El gobierno no entendió que el auge sería temporal. La economía brasileña empezó a titubear al bajar los precios de las materias primas y disminuir la demanda china. Pero en lugar de adaptarse a la nueva situación y recortar gastos, el gobierno brasileño gastó aún más.
Dívida americana
This Looming Crisis Could Ruin Many
We must deal with the debt if we are going to survive . We have two options: Simply stop spending or grow the economy. “Stop spending” is easier said than done. And boosting growth is going to be difficult too. Where have we been? This is not the 1980s environment that Reagan encountered. Stock markets are at highs, not lows, as they were in his term. Today, the market capitalization is 196% of GDP… versus 40% when Reagan took office. Reagan also had a falling-interest-rate environment. Plus, he had a huge demographic shift to work with… baby boomers who were coming of age. Reagan also had his recession at the beginning of his term, so the economy was coming off its lows. There was a great deal ...
quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2016
Rio Grande do Sul - como quebrar um Estado
Ele é do PT e se chama Tarso Genro. E agora, pode ensinar tudo que um governador não deve fazer com um estado brasileiro.
spotniks.com|Por Felippe Hermes
Desindustrialização na América Lagina
Um resumo interessante do processo de desindustrialização precoce na A.L.
Em estudo recente (Desindustrialização prematura na América Latina), a Comissão Econômica para a América Latina (CEPAL) procura mostrar que a Argentina, o Brasil, o Chile e, em menor grau, o México passaram por processos de desindustrialização prematura, aumentando a especialização em commodities, m...
Afrouxamento monetário não funciona
BARCLAYS: One of the biggest arguments for helicopter money simply isn't true
The argument that the introduction of helicopter money — whereby people are directly given money by central banks to stimulate the economy — would allow governments across the planet to engage in more expansionary fiscal policy is flawed, according to new research from Barclays. Writing in a new note titled "Helicopter money and the fiscal frontier" — Barclays' macro researcher Michael Gavin says that a move away from financing fiscal spending with government bonds, and towards so-called monetary financing (the technically correct term for helicopter money) simply would not work. The crux of Barclays' argument is that monetary financing is unlikely to be substantially cheaper than bond financing, ...
The argument that the introduction of helicopter money — whereby people are directly given money by central banks to stimulate the economy — would allow governments across the planet to engage in more expansionary fiscal policy is flawed, according to new research from Barclays. Writing in a new note titled "Helicopter money and the fiscal frontier" — Barclays' macro researcher Michael Gavin says that a move away from financing fiscal spending with government bonds, and towards so-called monetary financing (the technically correct term for helicopter money) simply would not work. The crux of Barclays' argument is that monetary financing is unlikely to be substantially cheaper than bond financing, ...
Ensino de criar valor
Lynn Parramore: "Prior to the 1980s, business schools taught that executives and directors of U.S. public corporations had a responsibility to many stakeholders, such as customers, employees, suppliers, creditors, communities and the country. But for the last several decades, students have been taught how to extract wealth from these constituencies in order to line the pockets of executives."
How MBA programs drive inequality
evonomics.com|Por Evonomics: The Next Evolution of Economics
Crítica da ciência econômica
Like John Harvey, I do think that the economics profession bears an important part of the blame for the state the world is in. To a failure of most economists to recognize…
terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2016
Matemática contra história
This is a recording of the debate hosted by the LSE Economic History Department, in collaboration with the LSESU Economic History Society and the LSESU…
segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2016
Política orçamentária
Se você acha que o governo brasileiro gasta mal o seu dinheiro, pense outra vez:…
spotniks.com|Por Felippe Hermes
Efeito da crise
A crise na economia brasileira provocou uma retração nas vagas com qualificação mais elevada e empurrou pessoas com formação superior para empregos que…
brasil247.com|Por Brasil 24/7
Justiça brasileira
No momento em que esta notícia estiver sendo lida, o volume de processos em tramitação na Justiça…
Salário juiz na Alemanha
Em tempos de discussão sobre os altos salários de juiz no Brasil, resolvemos verificar quanto ganha um juiz na Alemanha. Já aviso, menos que no Brasil.
Política monetária japonesa
Japan Has Just Gone To Unlimited QE
In my November 2 note (here), I talked about three big changes this year that have been underemphasized by Wall Street and the financial media but have changed the outlook for the global economy and global markets. Among them is Japan’s latest policy move, which licensed them to do unlimited QE. In September they announced that they would peg the Japanese ten-year government bond yield at ZERO. At that time, rates were deeply into negative territory. In that respect, it was actually a removal of monetary stimulus in the near term–the opposite of the what the market was hoping for, though few seemed to understand the concept. I talked about it earlier this month as an opportunity for the BOJ to ...
"O protecionismo não é uma escada para tirá-lo da armadilha de baixo crescimento, é uma pá para cavar muito mais fundo"
"Protectionism is not a ladder to get you out of the low-growth trap. It is a shovel to dig it much deeper" - Malcolm Turnbull, Australia's prime minister
"Protectionism is not a ladder to get you out of the low-growth trap. It is a shovel to dig it much deeper" - Malcolm Turnbull, Australia's prime minister
O setor financeiro não é a economia
"An economy based increasingly on rent extraction by the few and debt buildup by the many is, in essence, the feudal model applied in a sophisticated financial system."
An economy based increasingly on rent extraction by the few and debt buildup by the many is a feudal model
evonomics.com|Por Evonomics: The Next Evolution of Economics
sábado, 19 de novembro de 2016
Política econômica americana
President-elect Donald Trump's anti-trade rhetoric has proven that bad economics can make good politics. Fortunately, after Mr. Trump assumes office his trade policies likely will be better than his campaign rhetoric. Many factors contributed to Trump's victory. His upset wins in the so-called 'Rust...
sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2016
quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2016
The Austrian Economics Research Conference 2017 is right around the corner. It is a wonderful venue for mingling and networking with like-minded scholars, discovering the latest research in the Austrian tradition, and receiving constructive feedback on your own research. Junior and senior scholars are continually discovering the ideas of Mises, Hayek, Rothbard and the other great Austrian economists through the Mises Institute and this is a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with these new members of our growing intellectual movement.
The AERC has been held annually since 1996 and it has consistently grown in the quantity and quality of sessions and panels over the years. With your help and support we hope to ensure that this trend continues. Please consider submitting a research paper, organizing a session or panel, or volunteering to chair a session. This year we will be awarding a prize of $1,000 for the best conference paper by a graduate student, so we ask you to encourage your graduate students to submit a paper for presentation at the conference. We also invite you to nominate articles for the other two prizes that are awarded at the conference: the O.P. Alford III Prize in Political Economy and the Lawrence W. Fertig Prize in Austrian Economics Details are here.
The AERC has been held annually since 1996 and it has consistently grown in the quantity and quality of sessions and panels over the years. With your help and support we hope to ensure that this trend continues. Please consider submitting a research paper, organizing a session or panel, or volunteering to chair a session. This year we will be awarding a prize of $1,000 for the best conference paper by a graduate student, so we ask you to encourage your graduate students to submit a paper for presentation at the conference. We also invite you to nominate articles for the other two prizes that are awarded at the conference: the O.P. Alford III Prize in Political Economy and the Lawrence W. Fertig Prize in Austrian Economics Details are here.
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2016
Cafe com dados
O Departamento de Economia (DEE) da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) informa sobre a criação do Grupo de Análise de Dados Econômicos. O grupo é formado por especialistas em diversas áreas ... para as quais elaboram avaliações e proposições...
O Departamento de Economia (DEE) da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) informa sobre a criação do Grupo de Análise de Dados Econômicos e coloca à disposição as publicações e outros produtos, disponíveis na página do grupo na internet. Também foram lançadas as edições virtuais referentes ao mês de...
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