quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

Macro III - Distriubição de renda e patrimônio

Novo estudo mostra para os Estados Unidos que os pobres ficam pobres e os ricas ficam mais ricos:

Who Are the Winners
and the Losers? Transitions
in the U.S. Household
Income Distribution
John J. Hisnanick
In the five decades since Kuznets (1955) published his hypothesis on income inequality, a large
and significant portion of the work on income distribution and inequality has involved using
cross-sectional data for developmental comparisons at the intra- and international levels.
Using cross-sectional data, these studies have tracked inequality trends that were deemed the
consequence of growth and technical progress due to fiscal manipulations, such as levying taxes
and granting subsidies to satisfy some welfare target. While this prior work provided valuable
insight at the macroeconomic level on the interrelationship of development, economic growth,
and income inequality, only over the last few decades has the research emphasis shifted from
an understanding of the implications of income inequality at the aggregate level to that at the
individual level. Using cross-sectional data it is possible to track income groups over time, but
not the composition nor the characteristics of these groups, which are likely to change over
time and affect their position in the income distribution. On the other hand, with the availability
of longitudinal, micro-level data it has become possible to investigate in more detail underlying
facets of income distribution, such as income mobility, and the lack of it, among households.
Using three panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) (1993, 1996, and
2001) and building upon the methodological suggestions of Jarvis and Jenkins (1998) and Jenkins
(2000), this paper looks at a household’s economic and demographic characteristics relative to
their position in the income distribution. For example, results indicate that between 1996-1999,
13 million households experienced changes in their annual income that resulted in their moving
up or down two or more quintiles in the income distribution. On the other hand, 39 percent of
households (38.5 million) remained in the same quintile between 1996-1999 with the majority
of these households experiencing intra-quintile movements. Of notable interest is that of those
households remaining in the fourth and top quintiles between 1996-1999; 70 percent and
65 percent, respectively, experienced positive intra-quintile gains in income ranging, on average,
from $3,550 to $10,812 annually

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