domingo, 16 de julho de 2017

Keynesianismo é consumerismo

"Historically it was Keynesianism that brought the emphasis on consumption into economics. Before the Keynesian revolution the standard belief among economists was that production was the source of demand and that encouraging saving and production was the way to generate economic growth. This was more or less the correct understanding of Say’s Law of Markets. (See also James C. Ahiakpor’s article in the current Freeman). As J. B. Say himself wrote in the early nineteenth c...entury:
""[T]he encouragement of mere consumption is no benefit to commerce; for the difficulty lies in supplying the means, not in stimulating the desire of consumption; and we have seen that production alone furnishes those means. Thus it is the aim of good government to stimulate production, of bad government to encourage consumption."
"Of course “stimulating production” need mean nothing more than leaving producers free to seek out profits as they see fit within the standard classical-liberal framework of law. It does not mean government should artificially benefit producers any more than it should encourage consumption.
"The great irony is that leftists frequently argue that capitalism equals “consumerism.” They think defenders of free markets believe that more consumption promotes economic growth; thus we are charged with providing the ideological cover that justifies the consumerism they see as deadening lives and wasting resources. What the leftist critics miss is that economists never saw consumption as the driving force of economic growth and prosperity until the Keynesian criticisms of free markets became ascendant."
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One of the most pernicious and widespread economic fallacies is the belief that consumption is the key to a healthy economy.

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