sábado, 23 de março de 2019

Fascismo e marxismo

“He has argued that Marxist movements of the 20th century discarded Marx and Engels and instead adopted theoretical categories and political methods much like those of Mussolini.[4] In The Faces of Janus (2000) Gregor asserts that the original "Fascists were almost all Marxists—serious theorists who had long been identified with Italy's intelligentsia of the Left."[5] In Young Mussolini (1979), Gregor describes Fascism as "a variant of classical Marxism."[6][non-primary sourc...
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Anthony James Gregor (born April 2, 1929) is a Professor of Political Science Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley who is well known for his research on fascism, Marxism, and national security.

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