domingo, 12 de junho de 2022

Piketty's fake socialism

 Socialism - a universe without economics

"Yet not only are the 333 pages of his 2021 book utterly empty of economic reasoning, the reasoning that does infuse those pages is painful for an economist to encounter. Reading this book—which is a collection mostly of Piketty’s columns for Le Monde—literally hurt my head." Don Boudreaux having read Picketty's Time for Socialism.
He continues:
"What hurt my economist’s head was trying to make sense of a worldview that would approach plausibility only in an alternate universe in which the most basic principles of economics, as I understand them, don’t apply."
... and finally:
"This book isn’t the work of a serious economist. Instead, it’s a tract composed by someone who is blindingly obsessed with differences in monetary incomes and wealth yet has no earthly idea what really causes these differences or what would be the consequences that would curse humanity if his confiscatory piracy were put into practice."

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