quinta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2017

Lembrando a revolução russa

"Most Western historians believe that Stalin’s terror took place against political opponents. But the great purges were really an assault on the ordinary people. More than half of all executions took place in rural areas. The liquidation of independent farmers sent 10 million (including three million children) to Siberia, where most of them died. In the Ukraine alone Stalin starved to death more than seven million peasants. By the spring of 1933, an estimated 25,000 persons died every day in the Ukraine, one-third of them children. Bloodthirsty socialist leaders ended up deporting sick and crippled people, single mothers, and their children, who were no threat to the government. Authorities had a different agenda, including clearing out people they might have to heal and feed.The number of people murdered by their socialist leaders last century amounts to 262,000,000, according to famous American demographer Rudy Rummel. Socialism became the most deadly disease of our time. Why is this not common knowledge?"
- Yuri Maltsev

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